We have puppies!!! / Narodila se nám štěňátka!!!

18/11/2010 10:49

On 17th November Yasmine Moravia Bray gave birth to 6 puppies. We have 1 bicolor girl, 2 tricolor boys and 3 bicolor boys. Yasmine is an amazing mum and takes care about her babies with love.


17. listopadu se Yasmine Moravia Bray stala maminkou 6 štěňátek. Máme 1 bikolorní holčičku a 5 kluků - 2 trikolorní a 3 bikolorní. Yasmine je úžasná maminka a stará se o své miminka s láskou.



We spend a very sad time because we lost our beloved Dinka..... We will keep her forever in our hearts and memories

Bastien Dina's Way spends summer time with Debbie Newman in Woferlow Kennel in the UK. He loves playing ballgames.


Dried beef meat available!

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