Great results at Hounds Breeders Club's show!

04/06/2013 13:13

At the weekend we were at club show in Zarybnicna Lhota. The weather was rainy and cold, but our girls enjoyed it:). 

Destiny was at her first dog show and she was performing her great temperament and excellent move. We think, she will enjoy dog - showing like her mother Yasmine. 

Celeste was at her first dog show in young class. She was the youngest female in the class, but she was performed very well, she performed her great move with drive and happiness.


Both of our girls received great results :). 

Celeste was Excellent 4 on Saturday and Excellent 2 on Sunday! 

Destiny was Very promissing and BIS puppy on both days! 


Many thanks to Michaela Přenosilová for photos of our girls. 


More info in the section Dog Shows



We spend a very sad time because we lost our beloved Dinka..... We will keep her forever in our hearts and memories

Bastien Dina's Way spends summer time with Debbie Newman in Woferlow Kennel in the UK. He loves playing ballgames.


Dried beef meat available!

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