Forever with us
Dinka II. (Bloody Mary Queen's Hermelin): 1st May 2008 - 11th October 2012
We spend a very sad autumn time because our Dinka left us suddenly on 11th October 2012. She was diagnosed pancreatic cancer with metastasis in lungs three weeks before, when she was at the vet's due to false pregnancy..... Now she is in the dog's heaven, she enjoys playing games with other dogs. We believe she watches us and her kennel mates from the heaven, especially her daughter Amalka. Dinka gave birth to 10 lovely puppies in 2010 - litter "A".
She will stay forever in our hearts and memories.... <3
Dinka: 7th July 1997 - 7th July 2008
The start of keeping bassethounds in our family is connected by August 1997 when a 2-month puppy Dina became a member of our family. All dogs in our family (sausage dogs, muts..) always called Dina.
Dinka wasn't a dog with the Pedigree, she had quite a lot of exterior defects. But for us - she was always the most beautiful dog on the world.
She was very curious and inventive, she used to dig rolls by expensive amenite bushes - she didn't like granules.
As a real dog she hated cats, hens. She was simply a hunter. If we sad: "Dinka, where is the cat?" Dinka stopped eating and started to look for cats...the prey was the most important. Because of curiosity she lost a small piece of her ears - when she was 3 years old, she made friends with dogs...and one dog could't understand her
Years and years went by. For 9 years she was quite a healthy dog. But it's the same for people and dogs - you can't stop the progressive age. When she was 10 years old, we have to extract her uterus beacuse of enormous uteritis. The operation was successful, but after few months new problems came. Dinka had a poor appetite, she only lay at the door or on the bench. That's why in May 2008 we decided to buy a new dog friend for her - it can happen the old dog become more lively.
Well, in May 2008 Yasmine Moravia Bray became a new member of our kennel. From the beginnig it seemed Dinka was lively and happy like in the past. But after few day she started to spew almost all the food she managed to eat. We let her make some tests but the results weren't very optimistic - she had problems with her heart and lymph circulation. Following tests weren't optimistic any more. On 7th July we went to our vet's, we decided Dinka didn't deserved suffer yet. We left her at the vet's, first he made her sleepy and then he gave her an injection not to wake up. When we went to home, a big rainbow appeared in the sky.....and we knew Dinka felt well and she certainly wasn't angry with us...
Dina (Dinka) gave name to our kennel - DINA'S WAY, so she will be there with us forever....
stručný obsah: V srpnu 1997 jsme si pořídili naše první štěňátko basseta - pojmenovali jsme ji Dinka, protože všichni psi v naší rodině se vždycky jmenovali Dina. Nebyla papírový pes, ale pro nás byla nejkrásnější na světě. Byla velmi veselá a hravá, ráda zahrabávala rohlíky k těm nejdražším okrasným keříkům v zahradě:-D (granule nesnášela). Jako pravý pes byla skutečným lovcem, obzvláště nesnášela sousedovic kočku, provokující svým chováním. Ve 3 letech přišla o špičku ouška, když se chtěla seznámit s jedním psím kolegou, který ovšem nepochopil její úmysl.
Roky ubíhaly a až do svých 9 let byla docela zdravý pes. Ale je to stejné u psů i u lidí - věk se nedá zastavit a Dinku začaly trápit různé nemoci, stále jen polehávala na lavičce a koukala na nás svýma smutnýma očima. Rozhodly jsme se k ní pořídit v květnu 2008 malé štěňátko - Yasmine Moravia Bray. Zpočátku se zdálo, že se Dince vrací chu't do života. Z malé Yasmínky byla nadšená a začala ji učit, jak to u nás chodí. Po několika dnech se její zdravotní stav rapidně zhoršil. Ztrácela chuť k jídlu a vše, co snědla, vyzvracela. Přestávala i pít. Byli jsme velmi nešťastní a vzali ji na vyšetření k veterináři. Podstoupila několik vyšetření a ta ukázala na problémy se srdcem, lymfatickým oběhem a na celkově oslabenou imunitu. Následující testy u ní objevily rakovinu. Proto jsme se rozhodli, že si Dinka nezaslouží už víc trpět a nechali jsme ji důstojně, bezbolestně odejít z tohoto světa. Nejprve jí veterinář píchl injekci, aby usnula jako před operací a pak jí píchl i druhou, aby se už neprobudila. Když jsme smutní jeli domů, na obloze se objevila krásná velká duha a my jsme věděli, že už se Dinka má dobře a že se na nás určit nezlobí....
Dina (Dinka) dala jméno naší chovatelké stanici - DINA'S WAY, a tak bude s námi navždy....