Article archive
08/03/2011 07:21
19/02/2011 09:27
Yesterday we let our puppies play outside on the terrace. They were enjoying a lot.
Photos are here:
Včera si naše štěňátka hrála venku na terase. Moc se jim to líbilo. Fotografie jsou pod odkazem.
27/01/2011 14:14
Yasmine Moravia Bray is Czech Champion!!!
Yasmine Moravia Bray je Český Šampion !!!
08/12/2010 19:26
Více fotek v sekci "štěňátka B"
25/11/2010 19:12
In section "puppies" you can find new photos our "B" puppies.
V sekci "štěňata můžete vidět nové fotky našich "B" štěňátek.
18/11/2010 10:49
On 17th November Yasmine Moravia Bray gave birth to 6 puppies. We have 1 bicolor girl, 2 tricolor boys and 3 bicolor boys. Yasmine is an amazing mum and takes care about her babies with love.
17. listopadu se Yasmine...
14/10/2010 20:21
Mother: Yasmine Moravia Bray
Father: Yannick Queen's Hermelin
Expecting date of birth is 18th November. For booking contact us, please.
Očekávané datum narození je 18. listopadu. Pro zamluvení nás, prosím, kontaktujte.
25/09/2010 21:36
Hello, we have new photos of our puppies "A". They are really very nice and they love their owners and homes. :-) Look at them: Puppies - ...and their new home
Máme nové fotografie štěňátek vrhu "A". Jsou skutečně moc hezká a mají ráda své majitele a domovy. Podívejte se na ně: Štěňátka...